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I've searched for pop up displays on the Internet, and the prices are all over the place. To me, they all look the same. Is there a difference?

Absolutely! Think of pop up displays the same way you think of tools or kitchenware. You can buy a tool at a bargain basement retailer that will last a few jobs. It may be all you need, but you know by the third or fourth time it will break, bend, or short-circuit. Or you can buy a tool that will last for years and years. Same with kitchenware, such as pots and pans. It's not all hype. There's a reason why one set costs $29.99 and another $99.99.

Everyone wants an "incredible bargain, but 9 times out of 10, you get what you pay for. What you don't want is a broken pop up display at a show. You paid for space, for transportation and lodging, and freight. You're there to sell, not to apologize for your display.

You'll never be disappointed by the Quadro S. It may, in fact, outlast you. ;-)

For a light-hearted explanation from the perspective of a pop up display, read Pop Up Display Secrets:  Direct from the Source.

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